Section Two: Skill Builder 3: Stress and Time Management

This assignment supports the following lesson objectives:
  • Recognize areas of stress, inside and outside the classroom, and propose various strategies to manage stress levels better

Assignment Overview
This assignment will help you identify areas of stress in your life and inside and outside of the classroom and what you plan to do to overcome these areas of stress.


  • Completed writing exercise

Assignment Details

Perform the following tasks:

Step 1: Copy and Paste the below questions into the text field and then write your answers to each question in the text field. 
Complete the Stress Reduction exercise with candid answers about areas of stress you experience and a realistic and optimistic plan to overcome that stress.

Name a major cause of stress in your life not related to the online classroom or related activities.

Name your greatest source of stress related to the classroom or class-related activities. 

Explain why each of these is a major form of stress for you.

For each stress you experience, identify who makes each worse and how.

Step 2: Save and submit your assignment. 
Once you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself that you can access easily. Submit your response by clicking the submit button below.