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- 10% weight
- 4th ventricle
- abdomen
- abdominal disorder
- abdominal wall defect
- Abstinence alternative
- acardiac twin
- Acetylcholine
- addicted family system
- Addiction
- adolescent
- advocate for LGBTQ
- Affect
- Alcohol death
- Alcohol misuse pregnant women
- amniocentesis
- amnion
- amniotic band
- amniotic bands
- amniotic cavity
- amniotic fluid
- amniotic sheets
- amniotic synechiae
- ampulla
- anasarca
- anembryonic pregnancy
- anencephaly
- Annual deaths
- Anxiolytics
- Arnold-Chiari malformation
- banana
- battledore placenta
- Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
- Behavior contracting
- behavioral screen
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- biophysical profile
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- bladder exstrophy
- bladder obstruction
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- blighted ovum
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- cavum septum pellucidum
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- choroid plexus cyst
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- cisterna magna measurement
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- corpus luteum
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- neural tube defect
- oligohydramnios
- omphalocele
- open neural tube defect
- placenta
- placenta accreta
- placenta percreta
- polyhydramnios
- Quality factors
- renal agenesis
- running
- subchorionic hemorrhage
- synechiae
- thalamus
- Traveling
- twins
- umbilical cord
- x-ray physics
- x-ray production
- Yolk Sac