Week Three Discussion Boards

Picture of Zulema Hernandez
Re: Amniotic fluid
by Zulema Hernandez - Thursday, 21 January 2021, 7:39 PM

Hi Lauren!

Great job on your post. I found these images helpful to better understand how ureteroceles appear on ultrasound! How do you think these can cause oligohydramnios? 

Ureterocele: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment - Urology Care Foundation 



Picture of Lauren Brodehl
Re: Amniotic fluid
by Lauren Brodehl - Thursday, 21 January 2021, 8:43 PM

Ah thank you for the images! I think ureterocele would lead to oligohydramnios since the fetus is still ingesting the amniotic fluid, but as Paris mentioned, it does not pee it back out due to the bladder jet being obstructed by the ureterocele! So the fluid is going into the fetus from the amniotic sac but is not returning to the sac after going through the urinary system.