Site pages
Current course
Week 1 1/4-1/10 Role of Sonography in Obstetrics
Week Two 1/11-1/17 Fertilization and The Use of U...
Week Three 1/18-1/24 The Fetal Environment: Umb. C...
Week Four 1/25-1/31 2nd Trimester Evaluation &am...
Week Five 2/1- 2/7 Fetal Thorax
Week Six 2/8-2/14 Fetal Head and Face
Week Seven 2/15-2/21
Week Eight 2/22-2/28 Fetal Abdomen and Urogenital ...
Week Nine 3/1-3/7 Fetal Skeletal System
Week Ten 3/8-3/14
Week Eleven 3/15-3/21
Week 12 3/22-3/28
Articles for Reference:
Here are additional readings on our topic for this week
- AF Ass_AFI VS Max CVert Pocket.pdf
- amniotic_fluid_birthweight.pdf
- beginning of cord.jpg
- cicle of willis 3 weeks.avi
- cordinsertion3.jpg
- cotelydons.gif
- cx-draw-01.gif
- Doppler-in-Obstetrics.pdf
- fg258_1.gif
- gray39_1.jpg
- gut herniation.jpg
- ISUOG Practice Guidelines for Fetal Doppler.pdf
- maturing1333485682085.jpg
- persistent extrahepatic rt umb vein.pdf
- Picture1.gif
- Picture1.jpg
- plac.jpg
- placenta circulation.pdf
- placenta_4.gif
- placenta.jpg
- prebirth_circ.avi
- s_dration.pdf
- succenturiate.jpg
- umbilical cord.png