Fluoroscopy for Physician Assistants, Cohort 27
Winter, 2022
Course Description
This course prepares the student to take the State Department of Health Service's examination for the Fluoroscopy Permit. The course covers radiation safety issues consistent with Title 17; regulatory provisions; anatomy and physiology; the radiobiologic effects on human tissue; image intensification; image recording systems; and facility design, survey and quality assurance. The course will be conducted in an asynchronous manner. The clinical portion must be completed at a KPSAHS affiliated clinical site with a Physician Supervisor holding a California Radiology Supervisor/Operator permit OR a California Fluoroscopy Supervisor/Operator permit. The student will have three quarters (nine months) from the start date of the class to complete both didactic and clinical portions of the KPSAHS course and a certificate of completion will be awarded once these tasks are accomplished.
** This course is scheduled to close September 24, 2022 as per the terms of your enrollment agreement. All course work (didactic and clinical) must be completed by that time!**
This course has NOT been approved for CME credit.
Here is the application for the State.
Please download this player to view WebEx recordings. This may only work on computers and not phones or tablets.
Here is the syllabus for PA Fluoroscopy, Cohort 27, Winter 2022.
Please ensure you're using the 11th edition of the Bushong text as the syllabus follows that edition. There may be indications on the lecture of differing chapters and they refer to previous editions of the textbook.