Week 11 Discussion Board

Picture of Karen Chow
Re: 3rd trimester discussions
by Karen Chow - Thursday, 18 March 2021, 10:36 PM

Hi Candee,

Great post, love that you mentioned organ size and not just stuff like limbs, cranium size, etc. Organs can be small for fetal age due to symmetric and asymmetric IUGR.

Also, great point to distinguish between SGA and IUGR like the girls said!

I found the same chart as Zuly that helped me when I got a little confused:

 and some other stuff! 

Picture of Candee Lam
Re: 3rd trimester discussions
by Candee Lam - Friday, 19 March 2021, 5:55 PM

I really liked the table that you posted because it helps differentiate the causes of I youGR & SGA. I think it is important to remember that SGA is pathological and IUGR It is caused by maternal issues or fetal issues.

Picture of Alexis Rojas
Re: 3rd trimester discussions
by Alexis Rojas - Friday, 19 March 2021, 7:47 PM

Thank you for these charts, Karen! I find it super helpful to see the information laid out this way.